Dhananjay Balan 58b20109cf Convert from old categories to tags
import sys
import yaml

with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp:
    data =

if not data.find("---") == 0:
    # no head
    print("NO YAML HEAD FOUND")

data = data[3:]
head_end = data.find("---")

head = data[0:head_end]
data = data[head_end+3:]

metadata = yaml.safe_load(head)

cats = metadata.pop('categories', None)
if cats != None:
    if type(cats) == list:
        tags = cats
    elif type(cats) == str:
        tags = cats.split()

    tags = list(map(lambda t: t.lower(), tags))

    metadata["tags"] = ", ".join(tags)
    new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}"
    # write it
    print(f"coverted: categories to tags: {tags} - {sys.argv[1]}")
    with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp:

if not metadata.get("tags", None):
    metadata["tags"] = "untagged"
    new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}"
    print(f"untagged: {sys.argv[1]}")
    # write it
    with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp:

print("No changes needed")
2019-01-28 17:16:27 -05:00

760 B

author comments date layout slug tags title wordpress_id
dhananjayishere true 2012-12-12 10:51:00 post name-your-servers terminal, ssh, gnu/linux, hack Name your servers. 171537089

If your day involves ssh-ing into various servers, you know how cumbersome is to type all that details again and again. When the number becomes large, you tend to confuse between host names, IPs and usernames.

But, ssh allows you to alias them into cute nicknames you prefer.

The configuration file needed to be edited is ~/.ssh/config.

The sample configuration that should be append to this file for adding alias server to is :

Host server
User user

Now all you have to do is

$ ssh server