Convert from old categories to tags
import sys import yaml with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp: data = if not data.find("---") == 0: # no head print("NO YAML HEAD FOUND") sys.exit(-1) data = data[3:] head_end = data.find("---") head = data[0:head_end] data = data[head_end+3:] metadata = yaml.safe_load(head) cats = metadata.pop('categories', None) if cats != None: if type(cats) == list: tags = cats elif type(cats) == str: tags = cats.split() tags = list(map(lambda t: t.lower(), tags)) metadata["tags"] = ", ".join(tags) new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}" # write it print(f"coverted: categories to tags: {tags} - {sys.argv[1]}") with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp: fp.write(new_data) sys.exit(0) if not metadata.get("tags", None): metadata["tags"] = "untagged" new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}" print(f"untagged: {sys.argv[1]}") # write it with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp: fp.write(new_data) sys.exit(0) print("No changes needed")
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-03-21 01:23:00
layout: post
slug: long-time
tags: update, posterous
title: Long time.
wordpress_id: 47145570
categories: Update Posterous
Its been long time, Almost a year. Lots of things happened. Good and bad, I dont want to recollect and dump all the past here, But future, I promise you to speak about it, :-)
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-03-24 07:16:42
layout: post
slug: school-memories
tags: friends
title: School Memories
wordpress_id: 47147523
categories: Friends
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-03-26 21:25:00
layout: post
slug: earth-hour-official-video
tags: thoughts
title: Earth Hour
wordpress_id: 47451256
categories: Thoughts
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-03-26 20:58:00
layout: post
slug: firefox
tags: debian, 'free, software'
title: Firefox 4
wordpress_id: 47448980
categories: Debian 'Free software'
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-04-01 06:08:00
layout: post
slug: compski-night-firends-and-fun
tags: friends, trivandrum
title: Compski Night - Friends and Fun
wordpress_id: 48042401
categories: Friends Trivandrum
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-04-05 15:08:24
layout: post
slug: sharing-the-posterous-way
tags: college
title: Sharing the posterous way..
wordpress_id: 48536674
categories: College
For people with no idea, This is our mathematics assignment, shared in
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-04-19 04:35:25
layout: post
slug: bed-of-roses
tags: trivandrum
title: Bed of Roses
wordpress_id: 50054557
categories: Trivandrum
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-04-20 11:56:22
layout: post
slug: happy
tags: friends, thoughts
title: happy
wordpress_id: 50200868
categories: Friends Thoughts
[hap-ee] adjective, -pier, -piest.
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-04-28 06:23:27
layout: post
slug: adept
tags: thoughts
title: Adept
wordpress_id: 51072398
categories: Thoughts
We all want things to remain same, afraid of change always. set out to
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-05-02 03:42:58
layout: post
slug: the-story-of-linux
tags: thoughts
title: The Story Of Linux
wordpress_id: 51514829
categories: Thoughts
@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-05-07 10:52:33
layout: post
slug: gsoc-2011-i-am-in
tags: free software, gsoc, thoughts
title: GSoC 2011, I am in.
wordpress_id: 52138307
- Free software
- GSoC
- Thoughts
I am too lazy to do anything these days, it took a long time to get over all that mind set. Sorry for not posting this guys,
@ -4,12 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-05-14 00:37:00
layout: post
slug: welcome-to-acm-courtesy-of-google
tags: free software, gsoc, thoughts
title: Welcome to ACM, Courtesy of Google
wordpress_id: 52982430
- Free software
- GSoC
- Thoughts
So when I opened my mailbox today, this was watinig for me. It may not exactly fall into the type but still kind of first salary to me.
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-05-28 08:44:00
layout: post
slug: hmm-vacation-work-time
tags: untagged
title: Hmm, Vacation (Work) Time.
wordpress_id: 54729006
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-06-04 22:48:00
layout: post
slug: distributed-computing
tags: boinc, computing, gsoc
title: Distributed Computing.
wordpress_id: 55668225
categories: Boinc Computing GSoC
Since I got involved with distributed computing for my GSoC some my non technical friends were asking questions about the project, heres an article I suggest you all. I am sure this will solve almost all your questions.
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-06-05 00:23:40
layout: post
slug: random-reverbations
tags: friends
title: Random reverbations.
wordpress_id: 55677606
categories: Friends
Never underestimate an old hard disk, this was the lesson I learned this morning, So the hard-earned memories,
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-07-19 06:30:00
layout: post
slug: birthday-food-for-thought
tags: thoughts
title: 'Birthday: Food for thought.'
wordpress_id: 64888968
categories: Thoughts
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-08-23 12:54:29
layout: post
slug: sigsegv
tags: markers, thoughts
title: SIGSEGV
wordpress_id: 66702565
categories: Markers Thoughts
**"Experience is the most brutal of all teachers."
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-08-30 06:12:22
layout: post
slug: what-you-do-when-you-get-a-free-day
tags: thoughts
title: What you do when you get a free day?
wordpress_id: 67570727
categories: Thoughts
By free I never meant something like a holiday you get in ages which
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-09-10 16:41:46
layout: post
slug: good-to-be-back
tags: trivandrum
title: Good to be back.
wordpress_id: 69482578
categories: Trivandrum
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-09-11 14:49:25
layout: post
slug: nothing-else-matters
tags: thoughts
title: Nothing Else Matters.
wordpress_id: 69645449
categories: Thoughts
**"Our integrity sells for so little, but it is all we really have, It is the very last inch of us.**
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-09-16 13:08:11
layout: post
slug: crazy
tags: thoughts
title: Crazy
wordpress_id: 70601600
categories: Thoughts
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-10-11 03:33:00
layout: post
slug: ffmepg-nokia-7210-video-clips
tags: gnu/linux, multimedia, tips
title: FFmpeg + Nokia 7210 Video Clips.
wordpress_id: 74980538
categories: GNU/Linux Multimedia Tips
Nokia 7210 supports video clips of container mp4 with following specifications.
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-10-11 10:18:00
layout: post
slug: latex-on-the-go
tags: latex, tips
title: LaTeX on the go.
wordpress_id: 75017934
categories: LaTeX Tips
This is just another day I thanked web 2.0, this time the story goes like this.
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2011-10-28 16:02:00
layout: post
slug: falling-slowly
tags: thoughts
title: Falling Slowly.
wordpress_id: 77612351
categories: Thoughts
Its a song from the movie [Once](, very beautiful one. The song was exactly
@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-01-09 14:30:00
layout: post
slug: arrow-keys-input-in-python
tags: programing, python
title: Arrow Keys input in python.
wordpress_id: 93005403
- Programing
- Python
I had an assignment to write an applicaion to control a toy helicopter. It should accept the inputs from the arrow keys and then generate a serial signal. The serial port is connected to the interfacing circutary.
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date: 2012-03-18 02:56:00
layout: post
slug: progress-bar-in-mercurial-pushpull
tags: free software, programing, revision control
title: Progress bar in mercurial push/pull
wordpress_id: 112432788
- Free software
- Programing
- Revision Control
I admit I am a huge Git fanatic. Infact I havent used anything else for managing the code (except some checkout from svn). I was trying to build [orange](, so I wasnt very happy when I realised they use [mercurial]( for the revision control (I, like all my fellow programmers is a lazy person to adapt ;-) ).
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-03-29 18:34:38
layout: post
slug: thamarassery-mountain-pass-wayanad
tags: trips
title: Thamarassery Mountain Pass, Wayanad.
wordpress_id: 116868927
categories: Trips
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-11-21 21:45:00
layout: post
slug: netbsd-chronicles
tags: netbsd
title: NetBSD Chronicles.
wordpress_id: 169330104
categories: NetBSD
To be frank I wasn't doing much for almost an year, got lazy as one can ever be. Today was the day to break it. Got a little push do something and I got down to do it. I was looking at BSD development for a long time, and thought this is the best time to get involved. I am a total noob at BSD, I never really used one. So it was challenging when I started to install NetBSD into an old Comapq nx6120 that was lying around. I know anyone could get to the root shell easily, with help from brilliant click and go installers, configuring and customizing was the real problem.
@ -4,14 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-11-24 05:44:19
layout: post
slug: my-perfect-terminal
tags: gnu/linux, zsh, terminator, archlinux, solarized
title: My perfect terminal
wordpress_id: 169555417
- GNU/Linux
- Terminator
- Archlinux
- Solarized
1. Install [ZSH](
@ -4,13 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-12-06 18:26:00
layout: post
slug: rooting-a-nexus-7
tags: android, programing, hack, rooting
title: Rooting a nexus 7
wordpress_id: 171074083
- Android
- Programing
- Hack
- Rooting
Lot of posts in the web about this is just bogus, all of them want you
@ -4,13 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2012-12-12 10:51:00
layout: post
slug: name-your-servers
tags: terminal, ssh, gnu/linux, hack
title: Name your servers.
wordpress_id: 171537089
- Terminal
- GNU/Linux
- Hack
If your day involves ssh-ing into various servers, you know how
@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ comments: true
date: 2013-01-01 00:28:00
layout: post
slug: a-thank-you-note
tags: life
title: A Thank You Note.
wordpress_id: 173304734
- Life
@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
layout: post
title: "New Home"
date: 2013-05-03 21:01
comments: true
- Posterous
- Update
- Octopress
date: 2013-05-03 21:01
layout: post
tags: posterous, update, octopress
title: New Home
I loved posterous. I don't know how I missed it but till the final day I had no clue they were shutting down. It was an hour of panic. I had every itch not to go back to wordpress. It was bloated and just not my thing, and Jekyll was way to much work!
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layout: post
title: "Getting started with RTEMS on Archlinux"
date: 2013-05-28 21:24
comments: true
- GSoC
- Archlinux
date: 2013-05-28 21:24
layout: post
tags: rtems, gsoc, archlinux
title: Getting started with RTEMS on Archlinux
The default RTEMS geting started does not cover the toolchain setup as it should be. It either redirects the user to download a ~1 GB distro or some pretty old RPMs. This shouldn't be like this.
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layout: post
title: "Summer of Code 2013"
date: 2013-05-28 12:35
comments: true
categories: GSoC Update RTEMS
date: 2013-05-28 12:35
layout: post
tags: gsoc, update, rtems
title: Summer of Code 2013

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layout: post
title: "Debugging RTEMS with GDB"
date: 2013-06-23 19:40
comments: true
- GSoC
date: 2013-06-23 19:40
layout: post
tags: rtems, gsoc, gdb
title: Debugging RTEMS with GDB
RTEMS is difficult to debug, since the default GDB behaviour follows a language based approch and developer will have to debug the application+RTEMS stack as a whole. We are in process of developing a new set of extenstions for GDB to play nice with RTEMS. The intial code is available in this [github repository](
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layout: post
title: "Automatic log-in for ACT Broadband"
date: 2014-08-16 19:14
comments: true
- scripts
- bangalore
- ACT broadband
date: 2014-08-16 19:14
layout: post
tags: scripts, bangalore, act broadband
title: Automatic log-in for ACT Broadband
In my openion [ACT]( is the best ISP in [Bangalore](, I found this network to be much better than any other provider in terms of reliability and the bandwidth, they seem very hacker friendly too, logging in as straightforward as a simple HTTP POST.
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layout: post
title: "Syslog on Mac OS X: Cheat Sheet"
date: 2015-02-21 00:41
comments: true
- mac
- osx
- syslog
- cheatsheet
date: 2015-02-21 00:41
layout: post
tags: mac, osx, syslog, cheatsheet
title: 'Syslog on Mac OS X: Cheat Sheet'
This is a quick cheatsheet to work with [`syslog(1)`]( implementation OS X uses.
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layout: post
title: "State of Terminal: 2015 Edition"
date: 2015-03-28 00:28
comments: true
- computing
- emacs
- osx
- terminal
- zsh
date: 2015-03-28 00:28
layout: post
tags: computing, emacs, osx, terminal, zsh
title: 'State of Terminal: 2015 Edition'
I do this every year to keep track of the changes in my style. This is the first that goes public though
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layout: post
title: "Notes on cgo"
date: 2015-03-29 00:28
comments: true
- golang
- c
date: 2015-03-29 00:28
layout: post
tags: golang, c
title: Notes on cgo
## Referencing c from go.
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layout: post
title: "Static site generators"
date: 2015-06-30 00:28
comments: true
- blogging
- octopress
- meta
date: 2015-06-30 00:28
layout: post
tags: blogging, octopress, meta
title: Static site generators
I use octopress with github hosting my pages.
Everytime I sit down to write, I have to look up commands in my bash history and read documentation. Its very distracting when you just want to write.
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layout: post
title: "Recursion"
date: 2015-08-22 00:28
comments: true
- haskell
- recursion
- fibonacci numbers
date: 2015-08-22 00:28
layout: post
tags: haskell, recursion, fibonacci numbers
title: Recursion
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layout: post
title: "A Random rant"
date: 2015-12-01 00:00
comments: false
- life
- rant
- filesystems
date: 2015-12-01 00:00
layout: post
tags: life, rant, filesystems
title: A Random rant
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layout: post
title: "Swanthathralokam '15"
date: 2015-12-28 12:52
comments: true
- rationality
- malayalam
- trivandrum
- freethought
date: 2015-12-28 12:52
layout: post
tags: rationality, malayalam, trivandrum, freethought
title: Swanthathralokam '15
_[Swathathralokam '15]( was a conference on rationality and free thought that happened during 24th and 25th of december 2015_
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layout: post
title: "go: `:=` operator causes accidental shadowing"
date: 2016-01-14 21:13
comments: true
- go
date: 2016-01-14 21:13
layout: post
tags: go
title: 'go: `:=` operator causes accidental shadowing'
Go provides `:=` operator to make declaring variables easier. It is a [shorthand to declare and set a value of a variable]( for example,
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layout: post
title: "Linux-4.12 "
date: 2017-08-02
comments: true
- linux
- kernel
- systems
- code
date: 2017-08-02
layout: post
tags: linux, kernel, systems, code
title: 'Linux-4.12 '
Linux 4.12 was released few weeks ago. Its always nice to get a new version of kernel, but this time it was extra sweet, I managed to get some tiny commits merged to the release.
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layout: post
title: "KUHS"
date: 2018-03-08
comments: true
- kuhs
- dns
date: 2018-03-08
layout: post
tags: kuhs, dns
title: KUHS
[Kerala University of Health Sciences](,
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layout: post
title: "FreeBSD wifi configuration"
date: 2018-08-04
comments: true
- freebsd
- notes
- short
date: 2018-08-04
layout: post
tags: freebsd, notes, short
title: FreeBSD wifi configuration
To setup mulitple wlan profiles on FreeBSD and connect to them
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layout: post
title: "Misplaced inodes - Recurse Center Day # 2"
date: 2019-01-08
comments: true
- rc
- freebsd
- haskell
date: 2019-01-08
layout: post
tags: rc, freebsd, haskell
title: 'Misplaced inodes - Recurse Center Day # 2'
I am part of the Winter 2 batch of [RC]( and today is day
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title: "Experiments In Owning Data"
date: 2019-01-20
comments: true
tags: freebsd
tags: freebsd, data, hetzner
I have been working for a while to own most of the data I generate. Thought I
@ -3,10 +3,7 @@ layout: post
title: "Experiments In Owning Data: Part 2"
date: 2019-01-23
comments: true
- freebsd
- nextcloud
- data
tags: freebsd, nextcloud, data
_[Checkout part 1](/blog/2019/01/20/experiments-in-owning-data/index.html)_
Normal file
Normal file
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Reference in New Issue
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