Dhananjay Balan 58b20109cf Convert from old categories to tags
import sys
import yaml

with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp:
    data =

if not data.find("---") == 0:
    # no head
    print("NO YAML HEAD FOUND")

data = data[3:]
head_end = data.find("---")

head = data[0:head_end]
data = data[head_end+3:]

metadata = yaml.safe_load(head)

cats = metadata.pop('categories', None)
if cats != None:
    if type(cats) == list:
        tags = cats
    elif type(cats) == str:
        tags = cats.split()

    tags = list(map(lambda t: t.lower(), tags))

    metadata["tags"] = ", ".join(tags)
    new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}"
    # write it
    print(f"coverted: categories to tags: {tags} - {sys.argv[1]}")
    with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp:

if not metadata.get("tags", None):
    metadata["tags"] = "untagged"
    new_data = f"---\n{yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False)}---{data}"
    print(f"untagged: {sys.argv[1]}")
    # write it
    with open(sys.argv[1], "w") as fp:

print("No changes needed")
2019-01-28 17:16:27 -05:00

862 B

author comments date layout slug tags title wordpress_id
dhananjayishere true 2011-08-30 06:12:22 post what-you-do-when-you-get-a-free-day thoughts What you do when you get a free day? 67570727

By free I never meant something like a holiday you get in ages which exactly pumps you up. By "free" I meant day you dont have a clue to do anything. You suddenly find yourself nothing interesting to do. Gets you bored to the bones. A couple of people can cheer me up these times but unfortunately none are around.

I hate it, because it breaks the barriers I've put in mind to the past. On a blink, mind gets filled with everything that has happened in the twenty years thats me, and most of them are not good things.

Writing never been my favorite, but its the only way left. So I am falling back to my little diary. Nobodys' been a good listener.