- modify existing implementation to use variant types for a more accurate representation of the vm byte code - switch to fold from recursion for the main translate function - use separate modules for translating different vm commands - move static arithmetic command translations to a map
95 lines
1.4 KiB
95 lines
1.4 KiB
open! Ast
open! Base
let counter = ref 0
let count =
fun () ->
counter := (!counter) + 1;
let addr a = "@" ^ a
let label name = "(" ^ name ^ ")"
let function_definition name arg =
let push_inner n = [
addr n
; "D=A"
; "@LCL"
; "A=D+M"
; "M=0"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
] in
let locals = arg
|> List.init ~f:Int.to_string
|> List.concat_map ~f:push_inner in
List.append [ label name ] locals
let function_call name arg =
let i = Int.to_string (count ()) in
let arg = Int.to_string arg in
let ret = name ^ "_RETURN_" ^ i in
[ addr ret
; "D=A"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push LCL "
; "@LCL"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push ARG "
; "@ARG"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push THIS "
; "@THIS"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push THAT "
; "@THAT"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// reposition ARG"
; "D=M"
; addr arg
; "D=D-A"
; "@5"
; "D=D-A"
; "@ARG"
; "M=D"
; "// reposition LCL"
; "@SP"
; "D=M"
; "@LCL"
; "M=D"
; "// goto function"
; addr name
; "0;JMP"
; label ret ]
let translate command name arg =
match command with
| Function -> function_definition name arg
| Call -> function_call name arg