finish project eight backend compiler

- modify existing implementation to use variant types for a more
  accurate representation of the vm byte code
- switch to fold from recursion for the main translate function
- use separate modules for translating different vm commands
- move static arithmetic command translations to a map
This commit is contained in:
Konarak 2024-09-13 16:37:20 -04:00
parent 5973c64e78
commit b7dee58454
Signed by: konarak
GPG Key ID: DE5E99432B548849
35 changed files with 633 additions and 302 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
profile = janestreet
version = 0.24.1
version = 0.26.2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
open Core
open Backend
let read_file file =
let lines = In_channel.read_lines file in
let not_empty str = not (String.is_empty str) in
List.filter lines ~f:not_empty
let is_vm_file f =
match Filename.split_extension f with
| _, Some ext -> String.equal ext "vm"
| _, None -> false
let generate_hack f =
let bytecode = read_file f in
let class_name = Filename.basename f in
Translate.translate class_name bytecode
let write_hack path hack =
let output_channel = Out_channel.create path in
Out_channel.output_lines output_channel hack;
Out_channel.close output_channel
let compile path =
let ext = ".asm" in
let absolute_path x = path ^ x in
let open Filename_base in
if Sys_unix.is_directory_exn path then
let output_file = concat path (basename path ^ ext) in
let hack =
|> Sys_unix.ls_dir
|> ~f:absolute_path
|> List.filter ~f:is_vm_file
|> List.concat_map ~f:generate_hack
|> List.append Translate.bootstrap
write_hack output_file hack
else if Sys_unix.is_file_exn path && is_vm_file path then
let output_file = chop_extension path ^ ext in
let hack = generate_hack path in
write_hack output_file hack
failwith "Incompatible!"
let command =
let summary = "Translate Jack byte code to Hack assembly" in
let readme () = "Compiler (backend) for project 7/8 of Nand2Tetris" in
let param_spec = Command.Param.(anon ("path" %: string)) in
let param_handler path () = compile path in
~summary:summary ~readme:readme
( param_spec ~f:param_handler)
let () = command

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
val command : Command.t

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
(modes byte exe)
(name compiler)
(public_name compiler)
(libraries backend core core_unix.command_unix))

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(lang dune 3.13)
(using menhir 3.0)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
open! Ast
open! Base
let counter = ref 0
let count =
fun () ->
counter := (!counter) + 1;
let arithmetic =
Map.of_alist_exn (module String)
[ "add", [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1"; "M=D+M" ]
; "sub", [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1"; "M=M-D" ]
; "and", [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1"; "M=D&M" ]
; "or" , [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1"; "M=D|M" ]
; "neg", [ "@SP"; "A=M-1"; "M=-M" ]
; "not", [ "@SP"; "A=M-1"; "M=!M" ]
let eq count =
[ "@SP"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "A=A-1"
; "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_EQ_" ^ count
; "D;JEQ"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_EQ_" ^ count ^ ")"
let gt count =
[ "@SP"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "A=A-1"
; "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_GT_" ^ count
; "D;JGT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_GT_" ^ count ^ ")"
let lt count =
[ "@SP"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "A=A-1"
; "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_LT_" ^ count
; "D;JLT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_LT_" ^ count ^ ")"
let translate command =
let i = Int.to_string (count ()) in
match command with
| Add -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "add"
| Sub -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "sub"
| Neg -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "neg"
| And -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "and"
| Not -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "not"
| Or -> Map.find_exn arithmetic "or"
| Eq -> eq i
| Gt -> gt i
| Lt -> lt i

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
val translate : Ast.arithmetic_command -> string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
type arithmetic_command =
| Add
| Sub
| Neg
| Eq
| Gt
| Lt
| And
| Or
| Not
type memory_segment =
| Argument
| Local
| Static
| Constant
| This
| That
| Pointer
| Temp
type memory_command =
| Push
| Pop
type branching_command =
| Label
| Goto
| Ifgoto
type function_command =
| Function
| Call
type expr =
| Comment of string
| ArithmeticCommand of arithmetic_command
| MemoryAccessCommand of memory_command * memory_segment * int
| ProgramFlowCommand of branching_command * string
| FunctionCallCommand of function_command * string * int
| Return

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(ocamllex lexer)
(modules parser))
(name backend)
(libraries core))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
open! Ast
open! Base
let counter = ref 0
let count =
fun () ->
counter := (!counter) + 1;
let addr a = "@" ^ a
let label name = "(" ^ name ^ ")"
let function_definition name arg =
let push_inner n = [
addr n
; "D=A"
; "@LCL"
; "A=D+M"
; "M=0"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
] in
let locals = arg
|> List.init ~f:Int.to_string
|> List.concat_map ~f:push_inner in
List.append [ label name ] locals
let function_call name arg =
let i = Int.to_string (count ()) in
let arg = Int.to_string arg in
let ret = name ^ "_RETURN_" ^ i in
[ addr ret
; "D=A"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push LCL "
; "@LCL"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push ARG "
; "@ARG"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push THIS "
; "@THIS"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// push THAT "
; "@THAT"
; "D=M"
; "@SP"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "@SP"
; "M=M+1"
; "// reposition ARG"
; "D=M"
; addr arg
; "D=D-A"
; "@5"
; "D=D-A"
; "@ARG"
; "M=D"
; "// reposition LCL"
; "@SP"
; "D=M"
; "@LCL"
; "M=D"
; "// goto function"
; addr name
; "0;JMP"
; label ret ]
let translate command name arg =
match command with
| Function -> function_definition name arg
| Call -> function_call name arg

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
val translate : Ast.function_command -> string -> int -> string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
open Parser
let period = '.'
let colon = ':'
let underscore = '_'
let numbers = ['0'-'9']+
let alphabets = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']+
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let comment = "//" _*
let address = (numbers)+
let id = (alphabets | numbers | colon | period | underscore)+
rule read =
| white { read lexbuf }
| comment as c { COMMENT (c) }
| "add" { ADD }
| "sub" { SUB }
| "neg" { NEG }
| "eq" { EQ }
| "gt" { GT }
| "lt" { LT }
| "and" { AND }
| "or" { OR }
| "not" { NOT }
| "pop" { POP }
| "push" { PUSH }
| "argument" { ARGUMENT }
| "local" { LOCAL }
| "static" { STATIC }
| "this" { THIS }
| "that" { THAT }
| "pointer" { POINTER }
| "temp" { TEMP }
| "constant" { CONSTANT }
| "label" { LABEL }
| "goto" { GOTO }
| "if-goto" { IFGOTO }
| "function" { FUNCTION }
| "call" { CALL }
| "return" { RETURN }
| address as a { ADDRESS (int_of_string a) }
| id as i { ID (i) }
| eof { EOF }
| _ as c { failwith (Printf.sprintf "unexpected character: %C" c) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
open! Ast
open! Base
let addr a = "@" ^ a
let push = [ "@SP"; "A=M"; "M=D"; "@SP"; "M=M+1" ]
let pop = [ "@R13"; "M=D"; "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "@R13"; "A=M"; "M=D" ]
let common = function
| Local -> "@LCL"
| This -> "@THIS"
| That -> "@THAT"
| Argument -> "@ARG"
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Segment"
let pointer = function
| "0" -> "@THIS"
| "1" -> "@THAT"
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Pointer"
let push_constant a = [ addr a; "D=A" ] @ push
let push_pointer a = [ pointer a; "D=M" ] @ push
let push_static offset class_name=
[ addr (class_name ^ ":" ^ offset); "D=M" ] @ push
let push_temp a = [ addr a; "D=A"; "@5"; "A=D+A"; "D=M" ] @ push
let pop_pointer a =
[ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; pointer a; "M=D" ]
let pop_static offset class_name =
[ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; addr (class_name ^ ":" ^ offset); "M=D" ]
let push_common segment offset =
[ addr offset ; "D=A" ; common segment ; "A=D+M" ; "D=M" ] @ push
let pop_temp a =
[ addr a; "D=A"; "@5" ; "D=D+A" ] @ pop
let pop_common segment offset = [
addr offset
; "D=A"
; common segment
; "D=D+M" ] @ pop
let process_push segment offset class_name =
match segment with
| Local | Argument | This | That -> push_common segment offset
| Constant -> push_constant offset
| Temp -> push_temp offset
| Static -> push_static class_name offset
| Pointer -> push_pointer offset
let process_pop segment offset class_name =
match segment with
| Local | Argument | This | That -> pop_common segment offset
| Temp -> pop_temp offset
| Static -> pop_static class_name offset
| Pointer -> pop_pointer offset
| Constant -> failwith "Invalid Segment"
let translate command segment offset class_name =
let offset = Int.to_string offset in
match command with
| Pop -> process_pop segment offset class_name
| Push -> process_push segment offset class_name

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
val translate :
Ast.memory_command ->
Ast.memory_segment -> int -> string -> string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
open Ast
(* arithmetic and logical commands *)
(* memory commands *)
%token POP PUSH
(* memory segments *)
(* branching commands *)
(* function commands*)
%token <int> ADDRESS
%token <string> ID
%token <string> COMMENT
%token EOF
%start <Ast.expr> prog
| e = expr; EOF { e }
| c = COMMENT { Comment c }
| e = arithmetic { e }
| POP; p = pop { p }
| PUSH; p = push { p }
| b = branching { b }
| FUNCTION; f = function_definition { f }
| CALL; c = function_call { c }
| RETURN { Return }
| e = expr; COMMENT { e }
| ADD { ArithmeticCommand Add }
| SUB { ArithmeticCommand Sub }
| EQ { ArithmeticCommand Eq }
| GT { ArithmeticCommand Gt }
| LT { ArithmeticCommand Lt }
| AND { ArithmeticCommand And }
| OR { ArithmeticCommand Or }
| NEG { ArithmeticCommand Neg }
| NOT { ArithmeticCommand Not }
| ARGUMENT; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Argument, a) }
| LOCAL; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Local, a) }
| STATIC; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Static, a) }
| THIS; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, This, a) }
| THAT; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, That, a) }
| POINTER; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Pointer, a) }
| TEMP; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Temp, a) }
| ARGUMENT; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Argument, a) }
| LOCAL; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Local, a) }
| STATIC; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Static, a) }
| THIS; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, This, a) }
| THAT; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, That, a) }
| POINTER; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Pointer, a) }
| TEMP; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Temp, a) }
| CONSTANT; a = ADDRESS { MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Constant, a) }
| LABEL; i = ID { ProgramFlowCommand (Label, i) }
| GOTO; i = ID { ProgramFlowCommand (Goto, i) }
| IFGOTO; i = ID { ProgramFlowCommand (Ifgoto, i) }
| i = ID; a = ADDRESS { FunctionCallCommand (Function, i, a) }
| i = ID; a = ADDRESS { FunctionCallCommand (Call, i, a) }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
open! Ast
open! Base
let addr a = "@" ^ a
let label name = "(" ^ name ^ ")"
let translate command name =
match command with
| Label -> [ label name ]
| Goto -> [ addr name; "0;JMP" ]
| Ifgoto -> [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; addr name; "D;JNE" ]

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
val translate : Ast.branching_command -> string -> string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
let translate =
[ "// Save LCL to R14, Return Address to R15 "
; "@LCL"
; "D=M"
; "@R14"
; "M=D"
; "@R5"
; "A=D-A"
; "D=M"
; "@R15"
; "M=D"
; "// POP return value to ARG0, SP=ARG+1 "
; "@SP"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "@ARG"
; "A=M"
; "M=D"
; "D=A"
; "@SP"
; "M=D+1"
; "// reposition THAT, THIS, ARG, LCL "
; "@R14"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "@THAT"
; "M=D"
; "@R14"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "@THIS"
; "M=D"
; "@R14"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "@ARG"
; "M=D"
; "@R14"
; "AM=M-1"
; "D=M"
; "@LCL"
; "M=D"
; "// Jump to Return Address "
; "@R15"
; "A=M"
; "0;JMP"

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
val translate : string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
open! Ast
open! Base
let parse str =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string str in
Parser.prog lexbuf
let bootstrap =
[ "@256"; "D=A"; "@SP"; "M=D" ]
@ Functioncall.translate Call "Sys.init" 0
let translate class_name lines : string list =
|> ~f:parse
|> List.bind ~f:(function
| ArithmeticCommand a
-> Arithmetic.translate a
| MemoryAccessCommand (command, segment, offset)
-> Memoryaccess.translate command segment offset class_name
| ProgramFlowCommand (command, name)
-> Programflow.translate command name
| FunctionCallCommand (command, name, arg)
-> Functioncall.translate command name arg
| Return
-> Return.translate
| Comment _ -> []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
open Ast
(* Parse a string to the Ast.expr type. *)
val parse : string -> expr
(* Set the Stack Pointer to 256 and call Sys.init function. *)
val bootstrap : string list
(* Translate from parsed byte code [Ast.expr] to assembly *)
val translate : string -> string list -> string list

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
open OUnit2
open Backend.Ast
open Backend.Translate
let peq case value = assert_equal value (parse case)
let test_parse_a_command _ =
peq "add" (ArithmeticCommand Add);
peq "sub" (ArithmeticCommand Sub);
peq "neg" (ArithmeticCommand Neg);
peq "eq" (ArithmeticCommand Eq);
peq "gt" (ArithmeticCommand Gt);
peq "lt" (ArithmeticCommand Lt);
peq "and" (ArithmeticCommand And);
peq "or" (ArithmeticCommand Or);
peq "not" (ArithmeticCommand Not)
let test_parse_m_command _ =
peq "pop local 12" (MemoryAccessCommand (Pop, Local, 12));
peq "push argument 4" (MemoryAccessCommand (Push, Argument, 4))
let suite =
>::: [ "A Instruction" >:: test_parse_a_command
; "M Instruction" >:: test_parse_m_command
let () = run_test_tt_main suite

View File

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
open Core
open Backend
let read_file file =
let not_empty str = not (String.is_empty str) in
List.filter (In_channel.read_lines file) ~f:not_empty
let classname file = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename file)
let outfile file = String.concat [ Filename.chop_extension file; ".asm" ]
let gen_hack file =
let ircode = read_file file in
let assembly = Be_translate.translate (classname file) ircode in
let outchan = Out_channel.create (outfile file) in
Out_channel.output_lines outchan assembly;
Out_channel.close outchan
let param =
let open Command.Param in
anon ("filename" %: string)
let command =
~summary:"Translate <filename>.vm to <filename>.asm"
~readme:(fun () -> "Compiler (backend) for project 7 of Nand2Tetris")
( param ~f:(fun filename () -> gen_hack filename))
let () = command

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
(lang dune 3.3)
(using menhir 2.0)

View File

@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
type expr =
| Comment of string
| Acommand of string
| Mcommand of string * string * string

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
open Be_parser
let address = ['0'-'9']+
(* let ADD = "add"
let SUB = "sub"
let NEG = "neg"
let EQ = "eq"
let GT = "gt"
let LT = "lt"
let AND = "and"
let OR = "or"
let NOT = "not"
let POP = "pop"
let PUSH = "push" *)
let command = "add"
| "sub"
| "neg"
| "eq"
| "gt"
| "lt"
| "and"
| "or"
| "not"
| "pop"
| "push"
let segment = "argument"
| "local"
| "static"
| "this"
| "that"
| "pointer"
| "temp"
| "constant"
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let comment = "//" _*
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let special = ['.' '$' '_' '-' '+' '&' '!' '|']
let id = (digit | letter | special)+
rule read =
| white { read lexbuf }
| address as a { ADDRESS (a) }
| command as c { COMMAND (c) }
| segment as s { SEGMENT (s) }
| comment as c { COMMENT (c) }
| eof { EOF }

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
open Be_ast
%token <string> ADDRESS
%token <string> COMMAND
%token <string> SEGMENT
%token <string> COMMENT
%token EOF
%start <Be_ast.expr> prog
| e = expr; EOF { e }
| c = COMMENT { Comment c }
| c = COMMAND; { Acommand c }
| c = COMMAND; s = SEGMENT; a = ADDRESS { Mcommand (c, s, a) }
| e = expr; COMMENT { e }

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
open Base
let _unary = [ "@SP"; "A=M-1" ]
let _binary = [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1" ]
let _add = _binary @ [ "M=M+D" ]
let _sub = _binary @ [ "M=M-D" ]
let _neg = _unary @ [ "M=-M" ]
let _and = _binary @ [ "M=D&M" ]
let _or = _binary @ [ "M=D|M" ]
let _not = _unary @ [ "M=!M" ]
let _eq loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_EQ_" ^ loc
; "D;JEQ"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_EQ_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let _gt loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_GT_" ^ loc
; "D;JGT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_GT_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let _lt loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_LT_" ^ loc
; "D;JLT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_LT_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let push = [ "@SP"; "A=M"; "M=D"; "@SP"; "M=M+1" ]
let pop = [ "@R13"; "M=D"; "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "@R13"; "A=M"; "M=D" ]
let s_pointer = function
| "0" -> "@THIS"
| "1" -> "@THAT"
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Pointer"
let s_common = function
| "local" -> "@LCL"
| "this" -> "@THIS"
| "that" -> "@THAT"
| "argument" -> "@ARG"
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Segment"
let push_constant a = [ "@" ^ a; "D=A" ] @ push
let push_common a sp = [ "@" ^ a; "D=A"; s_common sp; "A=D+M"; "D=M" ] @ push
let push_temp a = [ "@" ^ a; "D=A"; "@R5"; "A=D+A"; "D=M" ] @ push
let push_pointer a = [ s_pointer a; "D=M" ] @ push
let push_static a cn = [ "@" ^ cn ^ "." ^ a; "D=M" ] @ push
let pop_common a sp = [ "@" ^ a; "D=A"; s_common sp; "D=D+M" ] @ pop
let pop_temp a = [ "@" ^ a; "D=A"; "@R5"; "D=D+A" ] @ pop
let pop_pointer a = [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; s_pointer a; "M=D" ]
let pop_static a cn = [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "@" ^ cn ^ "." ^ a; "M=D" ]
let _end = [ "(TERMINATE)"; "@TERMINATE"; "0;JMP" ]

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
open Base
open Be_ast
open Be_predef
let parse s =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let ast = Be_parser.prog lexbuf in
let generate_exprs lines = lines ~f:parse
let a_command loc a =
let suffix = Int.to_string loc in
match a with
| "add" -> _add
| "sub" -> _sub
| "neg" -> _neg
| "eq" -> _eq suffix
| "gt" -> _gt suffix
| "lt" -> _lt suffix
| "and" -> _and
| "or" -> _or
| "not" -> _not
| _ -> failwith "a_command: Invalid Command"
let process_push cn sp a =
match sp with
| "local" | "argument" | "this" | "that" -> push_common a sp
| "constant" -> push_constant a
| "temp" -> push_temp a
| "static" -> push_static a cn
| "pointer" -> push_pointer a
| _ -> failwith "PROCESS PUSH: Invalid Segment"
let process_pop cn sp a =
match sp with
| "local" | "argument" | "this" | "that" -> pop_common a sp
| "temp" -> pop_temp a
| "static" -> pop_static a cn
| "pointer" -> pop_pointer a
| _ -> failwith "PROCESS POP: Invalid Segment"
let m_command cn (c, s, a) =
match c with
| "pop" -> process_pop cn s a
| "push" -> process_push cn s a
| _ -> failwith "m_command: Invalid Command"
let rec _translate expr cn loc tt =
match expr with
| [] -> tt
| Acommand a :: t -> a_command loc a @ _translate t cn (loc + 1) tt
| Mcommand (c, s, a) :: t -> m_command cn (c, s, a) @ _translate t cn loc tt
| _ :: t -> _translate t cn loc tt
let translate cn lines =
let exprs = generate_exprs lines in
_translate exprs cn 0 [] @ _end

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
(ocamllex be_lexer)
(modules be_parser))
(name backend)
(modules be_ast be_predef be_translate be_lexer be_parser)
(libraries base))

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
open OUnit2
open Backend.Be_ast
open Backend.Be_translate
let peq case value = assert_equal value (parse case)
let test_parse_a_command _ =
peq "add" (Acommand "add");
peq "sub" (Acommand "sub");
peq "neg" (Acommand "neg");
peq "eq" (Acommand "eq");
peq "gt" (Acommand "gt");
peq "lt" (Acommand "lt");
peq "and" (Acommand "and");
peq "or" (Acommand "or");
peq "not" (Acommand "not")
let test_parse_m_command _ =
peq "pop local 12" (Mcommand ("pop", "local", "12"));
peq "push argument 4" (Mcommand ("push", "argument", "4"))
let suite =
>::: [ "A Instruction" >:: test_parse_a_command
; "M Instruction" >:: test_parse_m_command
let () = run_test_tt_main suite