Michael Schröder 971b323822 added v2.0
2023-01-11 23:04:57 +01:00

778 B

Revision V2.0

update 18.10.2022

correct typos:

  • Hack/CPU.v: Replace loadM with writeM
  • update diagramms

update tools to python3.10:

  • tools/Assembler/assembler.pyc: update tools to python 3.10
  • tools/Jack/JackCompiler.pyc: update tools to python 3.10
  • tools/Jack/VMTranslator.pyc: update tools to python 3.10

update Jack-OS:

  • Jack/UART.jack: replace init() with init(int addr)

wierd behaviour of iCE40HX8K-EVB:

  • Hack/RAM.v: replace always @(negedge clk) to always @(posedge clk)
  • Hack/DFF.v: replace always @(negedge clk) to always @(posedge clk)
  • Hack/Clock.v: 25MHz?

iceprog: programmer.ino

  • set default to bridge (led green on).


  • Hack/Reset.v:

boot from spi

  • 04_Hack-FLASH