Michael Schröder 971b323822 added v2.0
2023-01-11 23:04:57 +01:00

4.4 KiB

01 Boolean Logic

The hardware part of the project nand2tetris-fpga is implemented in verilog, a hardware description language similar to HDL used in the original nand2tetris course. There is no need to learn much verilog, as you can easily translate all your HDL-files into verilog following the given example for Xor.

Note: The following modules are considered primitive and thus there is no need to implement them.

module description
Nand.v Nand-gate. Basic building block for combinatorial logic
DFF.v Data Flip Flop. Basic building block for sequential logic
RAM256.v uses Block Ram (BRAM) of iCE40
ROM.v uses Block Ram (BRAM) of iCE40 preloaded with HACK-code at startup
InOut.v Tristate buffer, used to connect to the bidirectional databus of SRAM

Example Xor


Yout implementation of Xor in HDL (nand2tetris) should look something like:

// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/01/Xor.hdl

* Xor (exclusive or) gate:
* If a<>b out=1 else out=0.

CHIP Xor {
    IN a, b;
    OUT out;

    Not(in=a, out=nota);
    Not(in=b, out=notb);
    And(a=a, b=notb, out=w1);
    And(a=nota, b=b, out=w2);
    Or(a=w1, b=w2, out=out);


Xor.hdl can easily be translated into Xor.v (verilog):

* Xor (exclusive or) gate:
* If a<>b out=1 else out=0.

module Xor(
    input a,
    input b,
    output out
    wire nota;        //new wire must be declared (as wire)
    wire notb;
    Not NOT1(.in(a), .out(nota));    //Every chip has an instance name (NOT1)
    Not NOT2(.in(b), .out(notb));    //this chip is named NOT2

    wire w1;
    wire w2;
    And AND1(.a(a),.b(notb),.out(w1));
    And AND2(.a(nota),.b(b),.out(w2));

    Or OR(.a(w1),.b(w2),.out(out));


For every chip wie provide a test folder e.g. 05_Xor, in which you find a so called testbench (Xor_tb.v). To run the test bench cd into the test directory and run apio:

$ cd 05_Xor
$ apio clean        (used to remove older implementation from cache)
$ apio sim

Attention: All used chips used in the verilog code must be already implemented and included in the Include.v file.

The test bench will produce a graphical represantation Xor.gtkw of all signal lines, which can be viewed with gtkwave.

You can see four sections:

  • IN: the input signals (generated by the test bench)
  • OUT: the output signals (generated by YOUR chip implementation)
  • CMP: the output signals (generated by the test bench)
  • Test: the fail signal. Goes high, when the test fails.

Your chip passes the test, when out=out_cmp and fail=0 over the whole test time.


To upload the chip Xor onto your fpga board iCE40HX1K-EVB you need two additional files: top.v and iCE40HX1K.pcf (physical constraints file). The pyhiscal constraints file assigns every io-signal wire of the top level module top.v to physical pins of the fpga chip iCE40HX1K. Pin numbering can be checked by consulting the schematic iCE40HX1K-EVB in doc/iCE40HX1K-EVB_Rev_B.pdf.

#  physical constrain file
# assign io-pins to pin numbering of iCE40-HX1K on olimex board iCE40-HX1K-EVB
# compare to the schematic of the board and the datasheet of fpga

set_io BUT1 41    # BUT1
set_io BUT2 42    # BUT2

set_io LED1 40    # LED1
set_io LED2 51    # LED2
  • Now you can build and upload the chip Xor to iCE40-HX1K-EVB with:

    $ apio clean
    $ apio build
    $ apio upload
  • Press buttons BUT1 and BUT2 and see the result of your Xor chip on LED1.

Attention: Due to pull up resistors at the buttons, the signals appear inverted:

pin function
LED1/2 0 led is off, 1 led is on
BUT1/2 0 button is pressed down, 1 button is released up

Chips with note more than two in- and output signals can be uploaded and tested in real hardware: Nand, Not, Buffer, And, Or, Xor and DMux.