- __Emacs__ is the primary editor - I use [el-get](https://github.com/dimitri/el-get) to manage my emacs packages (my `init.el` is [hosted here](https://github.com/dbalan/.emacs.d/blob/master/init.el)), I also use [`mg`](http://homepage.boetes.org/software/mg/) heavily while I'm inside a terminal.
- __iTerm2__ for terminal. (My [cheetsheet for for iterm is availabe here](https://gist.github.com/dbalan/378d2f3e4e6a27f0aae8))
- __zsh__ for shell, with [antigen](https://github.com/zsh-users/antigen) managing plugins and dependencies.
- __vagrant__ for VMs, I tried using `docker` with boot2docker, but my needs are diffrent. I just need a linux box that runs all the time.
- [__Spectacle__](http://spectacleapp.com/) to manage windows. (Yes, I do miss Xmonad and i3)
- __Firefox__ is the primary browser, sometimes __chromium__ running for some special sites and tasks.
- __Todoist__ is a great app to track todo lists, and the concept of gaming the task completion frequency and awarding points is a joy!