open Core open Hack let read_file file = let not_empty str = not (String.is_empty str) in List.filter (In_channel.read_lines file) ~f:not_empty ;; let outfile file = String.concat [ Filename.chop_extension file; ".hack" ] let gen_hack file = let assembly = read_file file in let binary = Translate.translate assembly in let outchan = Out_channel.create (outfile file) in Out_channel.output_lines outchan binary; Out_channel.close outchan ;; let param = let open Command.Param in anon ("filename" %: string) ;; let command = Command.basic ~summary:"Translate .asm to .hack" ~readme:(fun () -> "Assembler for project 6 of Nand2Tetris") ( param ~f:(fun filename () -> gen_hack filename)) ;; let () = command