open Base open Be_ast open Be_predef let parse s = let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in let ast = Be_parser.prog lexbuf in ast ;; let generate_exprs lines = lines ~f:parse let a_command loc a = let suffix = Int.to_string loc in match a with | "add" -> _add | "sub" -> _sub | "neg" -> _neg | "eq" -> _eq suffix | "gt" -> _gt suffix | "lt" -> _lt suffix | "and" -> _and | "or" -> _or | "not" -> _not | _ -> failwith "a_command: Invalid Command" ;; let process_push cn sp a = match sp with | "local" | "argument" | "this" | "that" -> push_common a sp | "constant" -> push_constant a | "temp" -> push_temp a | "static" -> push_static a cn | "pointer" -> push_pointer a | _ -> failwith "PROCESS PUSH: Invalid Segment" ;; let process_pop cn sp a = match sp with | "local" | "argument" | "this" | "that" -> pop_common a sp | "temp" -> pop_temp a | "static" -> pop_static a cn | "pointer" -> pop_pointer a | _ -> failwith "PROCESS POP: Invalid Segment" ;; let m_command cn (c, s, a) = match c with | "pop" -> process_pop cn s a | "push" -> process_push cn s a | _ -> failwith "m_command: Invalid Command" ;; let rec _translate expr cn loc tt = match expr with | [] -> tt | Acommand a :: t -> a_command loc a @ _translate t cn (loc + 1) tt | Mcommand (c, s, a) :: t -> m_command cn (c, s, a) @ _translate t cn loc tt | _ :: t -> _translate t cn loc tt ;; let translate cn lines = let exprs = generate_exprs lines in _translate exprs cn 0 [] @ _end ;;