[WIP] initial compiler backend code

This commit is contained in:
Konarak 2022-08-03 18:34:42 +05:30
parent 1570cf41f4
commit dae97b7a76
Signed by: konarak
GPG Key ID: DE5E99432B548849
14 changed files with 273 additions and 0 deletions

compiler/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

compiler/.ocamlformat Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
profile = janestreet
version = 0.24.1

compiler/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

compiler/bin/compiler.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
open Core
open Backend
let read_file file =
let not_empty str = not (String.is_empty str) in
List.filter (In_channel.read_lines file) ~f:not_empty
let outfile file = String.concat [ Filename.chop_extension file; ".asm" ]
let gen_hack file =
let ircode = read_file file in
let assembly = Be_translate.translate ircode in
let outchan = Out_channel.create (outfile file) in
Out_channel.output_lines outchan assembly;
Out_channel.close outchan
let param =
let open Command.Param in
anon ("filename" %: string)
let command =
~summary:"Translate <filename>.vm to <filename>.asm"
~readme:(fun () -> "Compiler (backend) for project 7 of Nand2Tetris")
(Command.Param.map param ~f:(fun filename () -> gen_hack filename))
let () = Command_unix.run command

compiler/bin/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name compiler)
(libraries backend core core_unix.command_unix))

compiler/dune-project Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(lang dune 3.3)
(using menhir 2.0)

compiler/lib/be_ast.ml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
type expr =
| Comment of string
| Acommand of string
| Mcommand of string * string * string

compiler/lib/be_lexer.mll Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
open Be_parser
let address = ['0'-'9']+
(* let ADD = "add"
let SUB = "sub"
let NEG = "neg"
let EQ = "eq"
let GT = "gt"
let LT = "lt"
let AND = "and"
let OR = "or"
let NOT = "not"
let POP = "pop"
let PUSH = "push" *)
let command = "add"
| "sub"
| "neg"
| "eq"
| "gt"
| "lt"
| "and"
| "or"
| "not"
| "pop"
| "push"
let segment = "argument"
| "local"
| "static"
| "this"
| "that"
| "pointer"
| "temp"
| "constant"
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let comment = "//" _*
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let special = ['.' '$' '_' '-' '+' '&' '!' '|']
let id = (digit | letter | special)+
rule read =
| white { read lexbuf }
| address as a { ADDRESS (a) }
| command as c { COMMAND (c) }
| segment as s { SEGMENT (s) }
| comment as c { COMMENT (c) }
| eof { EOF }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
open Be_ast
%token <string> ADDRESS
%token <string> COMMAND
%token <string> SEGMENT
%token <string> COMMENT
%token EOF
%start <Be_ast.expr> prog
| e = expr; EOF { e }
| c = COMMENT { Comment c }
| c = COMMAND; { Acommand c }
| c = COMMAND; s = SEGMENT; a = ADDRESS { Mcommand (c, s, a) }
| e = expr; COMMENT { e }

compiler/lib/be_predef.ml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
open Base
let _unary = [ "@SP"; "A=M-1" ]
let _binary = [ "@SP"; "AM=M-1"; "D=M"; "A=A-1" ]
let _add = _binary @ [ "M=M+D" ]
let _sub = _binary @ [ "M=M-D" ]
let _neg = _unary @ [ "M=-M" ]
let _and = _binary @ [ "M=D&M" ]
let _or = _binary @ [ "M=D|M" ]
let _not = _unary @ [ "M=!M" ]
let _eq loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_EQ_" ^ loc
; "D;JEQ"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_EQ_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let _gt loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_GT_" ^ loc
; "D;JGT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_GT_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let _lt loc =
@ [ "D=M-D"
; "M=-1"
; "@END_LT_" ^ loc
; "D;JLT"
; "@SP"
; "A=M-1"
; "M=0"
; "(END_LT_" ^ loc ^ ")"
let a_command ?(loc = 0) a =
let suffix = Int.to_string loc in
match a with
| "add" -> _add
| "sub" -> _sub
| "neg" -> _neg
| "eq" -> _eq suffix
| "gt" -> _gt suffix
| "lt" -> _lt suffix
| "and" -> _and
| "or" -> _or
| "not" -> _not
| _ -> failwith "a_command: Invalid Command"
let addr a = [ String.concat [ "@"; a ] ]
let push_constant = [ "D=A"; "@SP"; "A=M"; "M=D"; "@SP"; "M=M+1" ]
let _end = ["(TERMINATE)"; "@TERMINATE"; "0;JMP"]
let _process_push s a =
match s with
| "constant" -> addr a @ push_constant
| _ -> failwith "Invalid Segment"
let m_command (c, s, a) =
match c with
| "push" -> _process_push s a
| _ -> failwith "m_command: Invalid Command"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
open Base
open Be_ast
open Be_predef
let parse s =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let ast = Be_parser.prog Be_lexer.read lexbuf in
let generate_exprs lines = List.map lines ~f:parse
let rec _translate expr loc tt =
match expr with
| [] -> tt
| Acommand a :: t -> a_command ?loc:(Some loc) a @ _translate t (loc+1) tt
| Mcommand (c, s, a) :: t -> m_command (c, s, a) @ _translate t loc tt
| _ :: t -> _translate t loc tt
let translate lines =
let exprs = generate_exprs lines in
_translate exprs 0 [] @ _end

compiler/lib/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
(ocamllex be_lexer)
(modules be_parser))
(name backend)
(modules be_ast be_predef be_translate be_lexer be_parser)
(libraries base))

compiler/test/dune Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(names test_backend)
(libraries backend ounit2))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
open OUnit2
open Backend.Be_ast
open Backend.Be_translate
let peq case value = assert_equal value (parse case)
let test_parse_a_command _ =
peq "add" (Acommand "add");
peq "sub" (Acommand "sub");
peq "neg" (Acommand "neg");
peq "eq" (Acommand "eq");
peq "gt" (Acommand "gt");
peq "lt" (Acommand "lt");
peq "and" (Acommand "and");
peq "or" (Acommand "or");
peq "not" (Acommand "not")
let test_parse_m_command _ =
peq "pop local 12" (Mcommand ("pop", "local", "12"));
peq "push argument 4" (Mcommand ("push", "argument", "4"))
let suite =
>::: [ "A Instruction" >:: test_parse_a_command
; "M Instruction" >:: test_parse_m_command
let () = run_test_tt_main suite