add assembler code

This commit is contained in:
Konarak 2022-07-19 00:46:54 +05:30
parent e6df3495f2
commit 8b272aa7d3
12 changed files with 275 additions and 0 deletions

projects/06/assembler/.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
profile = janestreet
version = 0.23.0

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
open Core
open Hack
let read_file file =
let not_empty str = not (String.is_empty str) in
List.filter (In_channel.read_lines file) ~f:(not_empty)
let outfile file = String.concat [Filename.chop_extension file; ".hack"];;
let gen_hack file =
let assembly = read_file file in
let binary = Translate.translate assembly in
let outchan = Out_channel.create (outfile file) in
Out_channel.output_lines outchan binary;
Out_channel.close outchan;
let param =
let open Command.Param in
anon ("filename" %: string)
let command =
~summary:"Translate <filename>.asm to <filename>.hack"
~readme: (fun () -> "Assembler for project 6 of Nand2Tetris")
( param ~f:(fun filename ->
(fun () -> gen_hack filename)))
let () = command;;

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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
(name assembler)
(libraries hack core core_unix.command_unix))

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(lang dune 3.3)
(using menhir 2.0)

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
type expr =
| Comment of string
| Ginstr of string
| Ainstr of string
| Cinstr of string * string * string

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
open Parser
let white = [' ' '\t']+
let comment = "//" _*
let newline = '\n' | '\r'
let digit = ['0'-'9']
let letter = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let special = ['.' '$' '_' '-' '+' '&' '!' '|']
let id = (digit | letter | special)+
rule read =
| white { read lexbuf }
| "@" { AT }
| "(" { LPAREN }
| ")" { RPAREN }
| ";" { SCOLON }
| "=" { EQUALS }
| comment as c { COMMENT (c) }
| id as id { ID (id) }
| eof { EOF }

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
open Ast
%token <string> ID
%token <string> COMMENT
%token AT
%token LPAREN
%token RPAREN
%token SCOLON
%token EQUALS
%token EOF
%start <Ast.expr> prog
| e = expr; EOF { e }
| c = COMMENT { Comment c }
| AT; a = ID; { Ainstr a }
| LPAREN; s = ID; RPAREN { Ginstr s }
| c = ID; SCOLON; j = ID { Cinstr ("", c, j) }
| d = ID; EQUALS; c = ID { Cinstr (d, c, "") }
| c = ID; { Cinstr ("", c, "") }
| e = expr; COMMENT { e }

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
open Base
let symbols = Map.of_alist_exn (module String) [
"R0", 0;
"R1", 1;
"R2", 2;
"R3", 3;
"R4", 4;
"R5", 5;
"R6", 6;
"R7", 7;
"R8", 8;
"R9", 9;
"R10", 10;
"R11", 11;
"R12", 12;
"R13", 13;
"R14", 14;
"R15", 15;
"SP", 0;
"LCL", 1;
"ARG", 2;
"THIS", 3;
"THAT", 4;
"SCREEN", 16384;
"KBD", 24576;
let comp c =
match c with
| "0" -> "0101010"
| "1" -> "0111111"
| "-1" -> "0111010"
| "D" -> "0001100"
| "A" -> "0110000"
| "M" -> "1110000"
| "!D" -> "0001101"
| "!A" -> "0110001"
| "!M" -> "1110001"
| "-D" -> "0001111"
| "-A" -> "0110011"
| "-M" -> "1110011"
| "D+1" -> "0011111"
| "A+1" -> "0110111"
| "M+1" -> "1110111"
| "D-1" -> "0001110"
| "A-1" -> "0110010"
| "M-1" -> "1110010"
| "D+A" -> "0000010"
| "D+M" -> "1000010"
| "D-A" -> "0010011"
| "D-M" -> "1010011"
| "A-D" -> "0000111"
| "M-D" -> "1000111"
| "D&A" -> "0000000"
| "D&M" -> "1000000"
| "D|A" -> "0010101"
| "D|M" -> "1010101"
| _ -> failwith "Unknown COMP Instruction"
let dest d =
match d with
| "" -> "000"
| "M" -> "001"
| "D" -> "010"
| "MD" -> "011"
| "A" -> "100"
| "AM" -> "101"
| "AD" -> "110"
| "ADM" -> "111"
| _ -> failwith "Unknown DEST Instruction"
let jump j =
match j with
| "" -> "000"
| "JGT" -> "001"
| "JEQ" -> "010"
| "JGE" -> "011"
| "JLT" -> "100"
| "JNE" -> "101"
| "JLE" -> "110"
| "JMP" -> "111"
| _ -> failwith "Unknown JUMP Instruction"

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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
open Base
open Ast
open Predef
(* Check if symbol(k) exists in map(map), add it if it does not. *)
let add_symbol map k d =
if Map.mem map k then map
else Map.add_exn map ~key:k ~data:d
(* First Pass. FIXME *)
let rec first_pass exprs st loc =
match exprs with
| [] -> st
| (Ginstr s)::t -> first_pass t (add_symbol st s loc) loc
| (Ainstr _ | Cinstr _ )::t -> first_pass t st (loc + 1)
| _::t -> first_pass t st loc
(* Second Pass. FIXME *)
let rec second_pass exprs st loc =
let is_new s =
try Int.of_string s |> ignore; false
with Failure _ -> not (Map.mem st s) in
match exprs with
| [] -> st
| (Ainstr a)::t when (is_new a) -> second_pass t (add_symbol st a loc) (loc + 1)
| _::t -> second_pass t st loc
(* Decimal to Binary . FIXME *)
let translate_ainstr addr st =
let to_int addr =
try Map.find_exn st addr
with Not_found_s _ -> Int.of_string addr in
let pad binary =
let length = 16 - String.length binary in
let prefix = String.init length ~f:(fun _ -> '0') in
String.concat [prefix; binary] in
let rec to_binary a =
match a with
| 0 -> ""
| _ ->
let rem = a % 2 in
match rem with
| 0 -> to_binary (a / 2) ^ "0"
| _ -> to_binary (a / 2) ^ "1" in
pad (to_binary (to_int addr))
let translate_cinstr (d, c, j) =
String.concat ["111"; comp c; dest d; jump j]
let rec _translate exprs st tt =
match exprs with
| [] -> tt
| (Ainstr a)::t -> translate_ainstr a st :: _translate t st tt
| (Cinstr (d, c, j))::t -> translate_cinstr (d, c, j) :: _translate t st tt
| _::t -> _translate t st tt
let parse s =
let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string s in
let ast = Parser.prog lexbuf in
let generate_exprs lines = lines ~f:parse
let generate_st exprs =
let _st = first_pass exprs symbols 0 in
second_pass exprs _st 16
let translate lines =
let exprs = generate_exprs lines in
let st = generate_st exprs in
_translate exprs st []

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
(ocamllex Lexer)
(modules Parser))
(name hack)
(libraries base core))