
107 lines
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* The Hack CPU (Central Processing unit), consisting of an ALU,
* two registers named A and D, and a program counter named PC.
* The CPU is designed to fetch and execute instructions written in
* the Hack machine language. In particular, functions as follows:
* Executes the inputted instruction according to the Hack machine
* language specification. The D and A in the language specification
* refer to CPU-resident registers, while M refers to the external
* memory location addressed by A, i.e. to Memory[A]. The inM input
* holds the value of this location. If the current instruction needs
* to write a value to M, the value is placed in outM, the address
* of the target location is placed in the addressM output, and the
* writeM control bit is asserted. (When writeM==0, any value may
* appear in outM). The outM and writeM outputs are combinational:
* they are affected instantaneously by the execution of the current
* instruction. The addressM and pc outputs are clocked: although they
* are affected by the execution of the current instruction, they commit
* to their new values only in the next time step. If reset==1 then the
* CPU jumps to address 0 (i.e. pc is set to 0 in next time step) rather
* than to the address resulting from executing the current instruction.
`default_nettype none
module CPU(
input clk,
input [15:0] inM, // M value input (M = contents of RAM[A])
input [15:0] instruction, // Instruction for execution
input reset, // Signals whether to re-start the current
// program (reset==1) or continue executing
// the current program (reset==0).
output [15:0] outM, // M value output
output writeM, // Write to M?
output [15:0] addressM, // Address in data memory (of M) to read
output [15:0] pc // address of next instruction
// Put your code here:
wire loadA;
wire loadD;
wire is_A;
wire is_C;
wire zr;
wire ng;
wire inc;
wire load;
wire jump;
wire [15:0] toA;
wire [15:0] toD;
wire [15:0] toPC;
wire [15:0] fromA;
wire [15:0] fromD;
wire [15:0] fromPC;
wire [15:0] fromAorM;
wire [15:0] fromALU;
reg [15:0] tempM;
reg [15:0] tempPC;
assign is_C = instruction[15] & instruction[14] & instruction[13];
assign is_A = ~is_C;
assign loadD = is_C & instruction[4];
assign loadA = (is_C & instruction[5]) || is_A;
assign fromAorM = instruction[12] ? inM : fromA;
assign toA = is_A ? instruction : outM;
// jump if j1 bit set and ng bit set
// jump if j2 bit set and zr bit set
// jump if j3 bit set and zr, ng bit not set
assign jump = is_C
& ((instruction[2] & ng)
|| (instruction[1] & zr)
|| (instruction[0] & ~(zr | ng)));
assign inc = ~jump;
assign outM = fromALU;
//assign toPC = jump? fromA : pc;
//xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx
Register RegA(clk, toA, loadA, fromA);
Register RegD(clk, fromALU, loadD, fromD);
PC PC(clk, fromA, jump, inc, reset, pc);
assign addressM = fromA;
assign writeM = is_C & instruction[3];