55 lines
1.6 KiB
55 lines
1.6 KiB
* UartTX controls transmission of bytes over UART.
* When load = 1 the chip starts serial transmission of the byte in[7:0] to the
* TX line according to the protocoll 8N1 with 115200 baud. During transmission
* out[15] is set to high (busy). The transmission is finished after 2170 clock
* cycles (10 byte a 217 cycle each). When transmission completes out[15] goes
* low again (ready).
`default_nettype none
module UartTX(
input clk,
input load,
input [15:0] in,
output TX,
output reg [15:0] out
reg uart=1;
reg active=0;
reg [7:0] to_send;
reg [3:0] nthbit=0;
reg [9:0] is216;
always @(posedge clk) begin
out <= (load || active) ? 16'h8000 : 16'h0000;
if ((active==0) && (load == 1)) begin
active <= 1;
is216 <= 1;
nthbit <= 0;
uart <= 0;
to_send <= in[7:0];
else if (active==1) begin
is216 <= (is216 == 216) ? 0 : is216 + 1;
nthbit <= (is216 == 216) ? nthbit + 1 : nthbit;
case (nthbit)
0 : uart <= 0;
1 : uart <= to_send[0];
2 : uart <= to_send[1];
3 : uart <= to_send[2];
4 : uart <= to_send[3];
5 : uart <= to_send[4];
6 : uart <= to_send[5];
7 : uart <= to_send[6];
8 : uart <= to_send[7];
9 : uart <= 1;
10 : begin active <= 0; out <= 16'h0000; end
assign TX = uart;