Michael Schröder 971b323822 added v2.0
2023-01-11 23:04:57 +01:00

28 lines
821 B

* The special function register RTP receives bytes from the touch panel
* controller AR1021.
* When load=1 transmission of byte in[7:0] is initiated. The byte is send to
* SDO bitwise together with 8 clock signals on SCK. At the same time RTP
* receives a byte at SDI. During transmission out[15] is 1. The transmission
* of a byte takes 256 clock cycles (32 cycles for each bit to achieve a slower
* transfer rate). Every 32 clock cycles one bit is shifted out. In the middle
* of each bit at counter number 31 the bit SDI is sampled. When transmission
* is completed out[15]=0 and RTP outputs the received byte to out[7:0].
`default_nettype none
module RTP(
input clk,
input load,
input [15:0] in,
output [15:0] out,
output SDO,
input SDI,
output SCK
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