// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/12/MathTest/Main.jack /** Test program for the OS Math class. */ class Main { /** Performs various mathematical operations, using calls to the Math class methods. */ function void main() { var Array r; // stores the test results; let r = 4107; let r[0] = 2 * 3; // 6 let r[1] = r[0] * (-30); // 6 * (-30) = -180 let r[2] = r[1] * 100; // (-180) * 100 = -18000 let r[3] = 1 * r[2]; // 1 * (-18000) = -18000 let r[4] = r[3] * 0; // 0 let r[0] = 9 / 3; // 3 let r[1] = (-18000) / 6; // -3000 let r[2] = 32766 / (-32767); // 0 let r[3] = Math.sqrt(9); // 3 let r[4] = Math.sqrt(32767); // 181 let r[0] = Math.min(345, 123); // 123 let r[1] = Math.max(123, -345); // 123 let r[2] = Math.abs(27); // 27 let r[3] = Math.abs(-32767); // 32767 return; } }