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2023-01-11 10:13:09 +00:00
# nand2tetris-FPGA (v2.0)
> ... _Would'nt it be nice to make Hack or Jack also run on some "real platform," made from some "real stuff"?_ ...
> ---Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken
This project is about building HACK on real hardware as proposed in Chapter 13 of the course [nand2tetris]( using only FOSS, free and open source hard- and software.
Our final implementation of HACK will have the following specs:
* original CPU/ALU design of HACK from nand2tetris
* implemented on iCE40HX1K-EVB from Olimex
* clocked at 25 MHz
* RAM 3840 x 16 bit (R0-R15/static/stack/heap)
* SRAM 64K x 16 bit (instruction memory)
* bootloader boots HACK-code from SPI-Flash into SRAM
* 2.8 inch color LCD with 320x240 pixel
* touch-panel support
* powerfull enough to run Tetris!
## Roadmap
In every project folder you find a file `` containing specifications and implementation details.
> _... This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill — the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill — you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. ..._
> ---Morpheus
### [00 Requirement](00_Requirement)
Get the hardware and install the tools.
### [01 Boolean Logic](01_Boolean_Logic)
Start with a simple `Nand` gate and build the logic chips: `Not`, `Buffer`, `And`, `Or`, `Xor`, `Mux`, `DMux`, and theire multibit versions `Not16`, `Buffer16`, `And16`, `Or16`, `Mux16`, `Or8Way`, `Mux4Way16`, `Mux8Way16`, `DMux4Way` and `DMux8Way`.
### [02 Boolean Arithmetic](02_Boolean_Arithmetic)
Proceed and build `HalfAdder`, `FullAdder`, `Add16`, `Inc16` and the `ALU`.
### [03 Sequential Logic](03_Sequential_Logic)
Build sequential chips `Bit` , `Register` and `PC`, that make use of the data flip flop (DFF) to store the state. `DFF` is considered primitive, so it's not necessary to implement it. The memory chips `RAM512` and `RAM3840` are based on the primitive `RAM256`, which uses block ram structures integrated in iCE40HX1K. `BitShift9R` and `BitShift8L` are new chips not explained in the original nand2tetris course. They serve to connect HACK to different IO-Devices, which are connected using a serial protocol, where data is transmitted bitwise.
### [04 Machine Language](04_Machine_Language)
Write two little machine language programms to run on HACK. The first programm `leds.asm` will test I/O capability of HACK. Every time the user presses the buttons BUT1/2 on the iCE40HX1K-EVB board the LEDs will change accordingly. With the second programm `mult.asm` we will calculate the product of two numbers to test the arithmetic capabilities of the CPU/ALU.
### [05 Computer Architecture](05_Computer_Architecture)
Build `HACK` computer system consisting of the chips `CPU`, `Memory`, `Clock25_Reset20`, `RAM` and `ROM`. `ROM` uses a block ram structure (256 words) of iCE40HX1K and can be considered primitive. It can be preloaded with the instructions of the assembler programs implemented in `04_Machine_Language` .
### [06 IO Devices](06_IO_Devices)
We will expand HACK computer platform by adding chips to handle communication to I/O devices, which we connect to HACK.
* UART communicates with 115200 baud 8N1 to computer
* SPI reads the 2MByte flash memory on iCE40HX1K-EVB
* SRAM writes data to the external SRAM chip
* GO enables booting JACK-OS software
* LCD connects a little color screen with 320x240 pixel
* RTP connects the resistive touch panel
### [07 Operating System](07_Operating_System)
Implement the operating system JACK-OS, written in the high level language JACK consisting of the classes `GPIO.jack`, `UART.jack`, `Memory.jack`, `Math.jack`, `Array.jack`, `String.jack`, `Screen.jack`, `Output.jack`, `Touch.jack` and `Sys.jack`
Finally you can compile and run Tetris!
### [08 3D Printer](08_3D_Printer)
We provide construction files to print a little case for your HACK computer with a 3D-Printer. The case is designed with FOSS software blender.
## Credits
* Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken, "The Elements of Computing Systems", MIT Press
* Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken: Visit [nand2tetris]( and learn to build a modern general-purpose computer system from ground up.
* [Olimex Ltd]( Buy your hardware from the Company with highest number of registered OSHW projects :)
* Wolf Clifford: The master of open source FPGA with iCE40 and [Project IceStorm](
* Jesús Arroyo Torrens, Juan González (Obijuan): Open source ecosystem for open FPGA boards [APIO](
* Juan González-Gomez (Obijuan): Lern verilog with [open-fpga-verilog-tutorial](, best tutorial!
* Icons made by <a href="" title="Those Icons">Those Icons</a> from <a href="" title="Flaticon"></a>
For questions or comments write an email to