diff --git a/flake.nix b/flake.nix index 45a0548..f71d40c 100644 --- a/flake.nix +++ b/flake.nix @@ -77,6 +77,7 @@ devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = with pkgs; [ haskellPackages.haskell-language-server # you must build it with your ghc to work + haskellPackages.hoogle ghcid hlint ghc diff --git a/lib/Api/Types.hs b/lib/Api/Types.hs index 6821926..f8809e6 100644 --- a/lib/Api/Types.hs +++ b/lib/Api/Types.hs @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ instance ToMarkup Quote where HS.title "random quote" HS.link ! HSA.rel "stylesheet" ! HSA.type_ "text/css" ! HSA.href "https://unpkg.com/tachyons@4.12.0/css/tachyons.min.css" HS.body ! HSA.class_ "w-100 sans-serif" $ do - HS.div ! HSA.class_ "fl f5 pa4 w-100" $ HS.a ! HSA.href "https://git.planet-express.in/dbalan/quotes-api" $ "built with quotes-api" + HS.div ! HSA.class_ "fl f5 pa4 w-100" $ HS.a ! HSA.href "https://code.planet-express.in/dbalan/quotes-api" $ "built with quotes-api" HS.div ! HSA.class_ "fl center pa4" $ do HS.div ! HSA.class_ "f2 f1-ns measure fw7 lh-title mt0" $ HS.toHtml (qQuote q) HS.div ! HSA.class_ "f3 fl w-80" $ HS.toHtml (qAuthor q)