--- layout: post title: "Running FreeBSD current" date: 2019-01-29 comments: true tags: freebsd, x230, infra --- I have been a FreeBSD user for quite sometime now. I run it on my [servers](/blog/2019/01/20/experiments-in-owning-data/index.html), and on my personal laptop, a Thinkpad x230. One of the main reasons I started experimenting with FreeBSD was to get more familiar with internals of a modern UNIX. What better way to learn than to poke around source? That's how I ended up building FreeBSD. __CURRENT__ is the FreeBSD terminology for _"bleeding edge"_ development version, [the subversion branch](https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/current-stable.html) where development happens. All new changes are developed against this branch, so this was the target/version that I wanted to build and run. ## The good - Streamlined build The code structure of FreeBSD was a big help in doing this, all base components that one would need on a minimal UNIX installation is in [a single repo](https://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/). The components in this repo is enough to boot a computer and start writing (C/C++) code on it. Which made [compiling and running the development head](https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/makeworld.html) a no brainer-less than 10 commands job. Take that [LFS](http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/)! (sorry, couldn't resist). ``` # svn update /usr/src # cd /usr/src # make -j4 buildworld # make -j4 kernel # shutdown -r now # cd /usr/src # make installworld # mergemaster -Ui # shutdown -r now ``` ## The Bad - Takes too long However compiling the entire tree is resource intensive, and it takes ~4 hours to build on my old Thinkpad, CPU usage will be at 100% and the laptop will be more or less unusable while building. This severely limited the frequency of updating code on laptop. ### Mailing list to rescue People at the [FreeBSD-Current mailing list](https://www.mail-archive.com/freebsd-current@freebsd.org/msg175370.html) pointed out that I could just reuse the builds from my server. So that's what I have done, I have yet another hetzner box building FreeBSD-CURRENT periodically with ```bash cd /usr/src && svn update . make -j 4 buildkernel buildworld KERNCONF=GENERIC-LAPTOP | \ tee /var/log/lastbuild.log ``` and I pull it to my laptop with rsync, with roughly following ```bash cd /usr rsync -avz builder:/usr/src . rsync -avz builder:/usr/obj . cd /usr/src make -j4 installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC-LAPTOP shutdown -r now make -j4 installworld KERNCONF=GENERIC-LAPTOP ``` ## The Ugly - Nothing yet Sorry to disappoint, I haven't come across any really bad things yet `¯\_(ツ)_/¯`. There is always risk of really breaking your system with an experimental OS version. I am yet to run across into that. That will eventually force me to use [ZFS boot environments](https://mwl.io/archives/2363), I guess. ## That's all folks! Except for [some minor hiccups](/blog/2019/01/08/recurse-center-day-%23-2/index.html) the experience running CURRENT have been smooth, I will keep this blog updated if it breaks :-)