--- layout: post title: "Trouble with OCSP" date: 2019-08-06 comments: true tags: ocsp, tor, security, privacy --- # Trouble with OCSP > This is a post about side channel information leakage that was present in OnionBrowser in some OCSP flows. This is not a exhaustive documentation of OCSP protocol. Digital certificates are issued for a longer timespan. It reduces maintaince overhead. Most of the cases CAs issue a certificate and they are valid untill the expiration time. But what are we to do when a certificate is compromised? We can re-issue a certificate, but the old one is still in the wind. Thats where Online Certificate Status Protocol comes in. It defines a way to check validity of a certificate in a timely[^1] manner. OCSP[^2] works roughly as follows in an https connection: 1. Client looks up the OCSP responder server from `AuthorityInfoAccess`section in the certificate. 2. Client crafts a OCSP request and sends it to OCSP responder. 3. Responder returns the current status of the certificate, one of `good`, `revoked` or `unknown` There are many other interactions defined in the OCSP ecosystem. Maybe the most important one is [OCSP Stapling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OCSP_stapling). In stapling the original request server sends back OCSP validation message with the certificate itself, removing the need for another seperate request. ## Dissecting an OCSP Request If the request is <255 bytes, OCSP allows it to be passed as a GET path. So a typical request looks like this ```bash GET http://ocsp.int-x3.letsencrypt.org/MFgwVqADAgEAME8wTTBLMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFH7maudymrP8%2BKIgZGwWoS1gcQhdBBSoSmpjBH3duubRObemRWXv86jsoQISA6D%2BPqgUVCy3wtolHIxq%2Bk0e ``` The request is `URL-Encoded > BASE64 encoded > ASN-1` data. After decoding, one can use `ocsptool` from [GnuTLS](https://www.gnutls.org/) to read it. ```bash echo -n "MFgwVqADAgEAME8wTTBLMAkGBSsOAwIaBQAEFH7maudymrP8%2BKIgZGwWoS1gcQhdBBSoSmpjBH3duubRObemRWXv86jsoQISA6D%2BPqgUVCy3wtolHIxq%2Bk0e" \ | python -c "import sys, urllib.parse as ul; print(ul.unquote(sys.stdin.read()));" \ | base64 -d \ | ocsptool -i OCSP Request Information: Version: 1 Request List: Certificate ID: Hash Algorithm: SHA1 Issuer Name Hash: 7ee66ae7729ab3fcf8a220646c16a12d6071085d Issuer Key Hash: a84a6a63047dddbae6d139b7a64565eff3a8eca1 Serial Number: 03a0fe3ea814542cb7c2da251c8c6afa4d1e ``` .. and then lookup the cert parameters ```bash curl https://crt.sh/?serial=03a0fe3ea814542cb7c2da251c8c6afa4d1e ``` ```bash ... Issuer: (CA ID: 16418) commonName = Let's Encrypt Authority X3 organizationName = Let's Encrypt countryName = US Validity Not Before: Mar 29 00:08:51 2019 GMT Not After : Jun 27 00:08:51 2019 GMT Subject: commonName = check.torproject.org ... ``` ## Privacy Takes a Backseat. Careful examination of above workflow will reveal that the OCSP flow is happening over HTTP. Most issuers seems to stick to http; possibly to avoid cyclical dependencies. This means man-in-the-middle leakage of certificates a user is validating is happening, and by extension leakage of websites user is accessing. ## Onion Browser iOS has inbuilt mechanism for checking revocations. They seem to be only enforced for [EV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Validation_Certificate) certificates though. This is not a bad thing at all, but it creates a weird situation where it leaks urls with EV certs from [Onion Browser](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/onion-browser/id519296448). Semi-Official (as far as I can tell) Tor browser on iOS. Whenever Onion Browser accesses a website with EV cert, (for e.g ), the OCSP request is routed via **regular** transport, not via onion network as one would assume. I stumbled upon this accidently while inspecting requests from my iPhone with [mitmproxy](https://mitmproxy.org/). The bug was reported to Onion Browser team and [they have a better write up of the situation](https://github.com/OnionBrowser/OnionBrowser/wiki/2019-178:-sites-with-EV-HTTPS-certificates-leak-information-via-OCSP). Unfortunatly it is really hard to fix. :-( [^1]: Opposed to checking againist a [Certificate Revocation List](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Certificate_revocation_list). [^2]: Familier readers will note that this is plain OCSP, the non-stapling kind.