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Dhananjay Balan 2024-01-21 15:32:01 +01:00
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layout: post
title: "Cyberdecks (but portable)"
title: "Portable computing"
date: 2024-01-18
comments: true
tags: cyberdeck, computing, iphone
I use my phone a lot, most of it for reading on the go. I also hate to do
anything else with my phone. I have spent a fair amount of time thinking about
why, but now I think I've a lead.
I use my phone a lot. Its the best for consuming media on the go sort of things, like reading, watching videos etc. Always on, always connected, ready to whip out in a moments notice!
I **HATE** typing on my phone. It takes too long and often filled with typos.
I also hate using my phone for anything else: for a long time the reasons have eluded me, but this time I have a lead -- I **hate** typing on the phone.
This makes sense, I adore my phone for consuming media, reading, watching
(short) videos, mastodon. But hate doing anything else, because well ... typing.
Obviously there are more fundamental problems here than those solved by [strapping on a keyboard](https://www.clicks.tech/)[^1], explained so well by none other than Doug Engelbert[^2]
I don't think its a problem that can be solved by [strapping a keyboard to the
phone](https://www.clicks.tech/) but I'd certainly try when its available for my
> Englebart used to compare the sleek, simplified Apple products to a tricycle. You dont need any special training to operate a tricycle, and thats fine if youre just going to go around the block. If youre trying to go up a hill or go a long distance, you want a real bike. The kind with gears and brakes the kind that takes time to learn how to steer and balance on.
I recently had a chance to try the [mnt pocket
reform](https://www.crowdsupply.com/mnt/pocket-reform), its a fully open source
small form factor computer with a compact mechanical keyboard. This definitly got
me restarted thinking about on-the go computing.
> The consumer market prioritizes simple and “user-friendly” devices over more complex and “learnable” devices.
## Cyberdeck
Recently, I got to try a [pocket reform](https://mntre.com/media/reform_md/2022-06-20-introducing-mnt-pocket-reform.html) by mnt research. For the uninitiated, its a 7" pocket sized (arguably, depending on what kind of pockets you have) computer. It is a nifty little device with a lot of cool factor, including a compact mechanical keyboard and more or less running blob free software stack!
This got me thinking: *Is it worthwhile to compromise extreme portability to gain learnability and configuration?*
A device like pocket reform is not going to be as good as my phone for quickly reading through my reading list, at least not out of the box. Would I still prefer to stick with my phone? Obviously the answer is going to personal and subjective, but I believe its worthwhile to try!
Pocket reforms are currently only sold through the crown supply store in US, so I decided to wait until MNT starts selling them from their EU store, and spent the waiting time maybe hacking alternatives a bit -- Can I strap a [Blackberry Keyboard](https://www.solder.party/docs/bbq20kbd/) to my phone? [Running mainline linux](https://postmarketos.org/) with the stack you are used to seems fun etc etc. Honestly, I needed some deliberation before dropping a cool grand on an experiment.
Also, after going through bit of internet searching, the options are not as limited as I thought; there are bunch of manufactures trying to make devices in this form factor: GPD seems to be the most popular, there are [also no-name products](https://www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-pocket-laptop.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.search.0) with [at least one very happy HN reader](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39013008).
This rabbit hole also led me the discovering **"Cyberdecks"**. I have not read Neuromancer so I don't know what makes a something a cyberdeck; but the community seems to be building some of the coolest portable computing out there. Definitely check it out if you were living under a rock like me!
[^1]: Don't necessarily like their made for creatives branding but probably will get one when it is available for my phone.
[^2]: This is from a [99% invisible](https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/of-mice-and-men/) episode that I cannot recommend enough, I couldn't find the original quote, but I have seen multiple people reference this.